AGRICULTURAL APPLICATION Corn Mix is ideal for blending mixed fertilizers for soil application. Granule size and bulk density closely match other fertilizer ingredients providing uniform distribution of plant nutrients. Balanced nutrient formulation containing Zinc, Manganese, Boron, Copper and Sulfur. Providing the nutritional needs of Corn and Sorgham Grasses. This product is specifically formulated for early plant growth and for extended availability throughout the growing season
CROPS INDICATED Corn, Peanuts, Sweet Corn, Sudangrass, Cotton, Pecans, Apples, Rice, Grasses, Soybeans, Potato, tomato, Cereal Grain, lima Beans, Snap Beans, Clovers, Corn Silage, rye Grass, Sorgham Grasses, Sorgham, Sudan, Oranges, Grapefruit, lemons, Peaches and Pears.
SOIL CONDITIONS Applicable to most soil types. application rates should vary by CeC + or - 10.